Jason and Cristina give you a in-depth review and discussion of The Magicians Season 5 episode 5 and episode 6! APOCALYPSE? NOW?! and OOPS!…I DID IT AGAIN!

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Podcast Notes –


Written By:

Mike Moore

Directed By:

Shannon Kohli





Written By:

Hillary Benefiel

Directed By:

John Scott






  • Lunatics          Moon worshippers
  • Oren Westbrook Billionaire Lunatic with a moon rock
  • Natasha Mayakovsky’s daughter
  • The Whales Due to a pact made with an old god, spend their lives tracing sigils into the ocean floor to keep the Kraken dormant
  • The Kraken if awakened, would consume the world


  • Moon Brain a state where you can communicate with the Moon and read her aura, achieved by not sleeping for 5 days
  • Dean Vanishment Protocol appointment of an Acting Dean  
  • Vinola’s Oxygen Saver



Zelda explains that the Harmonic Convergence is a perfect alignment of the planets and this constellation forms a sigil which increases magic intensity.  If you move the moon, it changes the alignment and averts this.  The moon is covered in a cluster of spell debris and has properties such that magic doesn’t work on it.   But it’s the only celestial body they stand a chance of effecting. 

She warns that it’s impossible to know what magic or circumstances will be like once they move it.  Her advice is to consult the Lunatics – in the Middle Ages, people thought insanity was caused by changes in the moon.  The Lunatics claimed to be able to achieve a connection with the moon and even move it.  People think they’re insane but it’s their best chance.

So at the Maxwell Psychiatric Institution, Julia and Alice talk to Reba, a Lunatic (identified by the moon tattoo on her eye), tells them you can’t move the moon, but rather ask “Her Lunacy” to move.  You speak to her by getting Moon Brain (not sleeping for 5 days), a task that takes 3 magicians to power the spell.  You can then read her communication through her aura – Red = no, Yellow = considering, Green = listening.  Then you can ask her to move.  The spell is cast upon a sacrifice, a moon rock.  


Lipson agrees that Penny is grounded from Traveling but insists his teaching contract will be enforced and he’ll be the new Welter’s Coach.  As Fogg is missing, the Dean Vanishment Protocol has made her Acting Dean Lipson.


Eliot insists they continue to discover the Dark King’s motives.  Margo is on edge trying to avoid a talk with Josh.  It’s then they discover the bunny message that they need to return to earth to stop the Apocalypse.  Eliot manipulates Fen into getting the information on the fairies while he’s gone – she’ll be the ‘maid on the outside’.  On a walk, she meets a fairy demanding Fen come with her.


The group is now attempting to stay awake 5 nights (132 hours) with no magic. Margo thinks they need some cocaine.  But Josh’s answer is coffee and muffins with a secret organic stimulant.  In her research, Alice discovered some moon rocks that NASA brought back were given out as gifts and went missing as people forgot about them – so they are trying to track one down.

They are unsuccessful and upon return, Margo finds that Josh fell asleep.  She thinks that at worst, they could all just go to Fillory, but Julia is determined to stay and fight.  So they continue the search and discover an eccentric billionaire – Oren Westbrook – who is a Lunatic that owns a moon rock.   


Separating from the group, Kady convinces Zelda to help find the Depository before moving the moon can screw up magic (as a chance to repent). Kady is upset and she confesses Fogg is stuck in the Etheric Realm.  Zelda says if the Emperor kept Fogg behind, it was because he sensed a flaw in him.  She spent 3 years there once; her life was difficult and the Realm was an escape.  Eventually, when she stopped hating herself, he grew bored with her, and she left.  There’s still goodness in Kady, that’s why she escaped; so she shouldn’t waste her time on self-pity. They find the Depository and Zelda is able to locate the book (she’ll take it to Harriet right away) but they don’t notice someone watching.


Visiting the home of Oren, Julia and Eliot try to convince him they’re Lunatics but he realizes her eye tattoo is Illusion Magic and kicks them out.  However, Alice was able to map the house so they develop a plan. 

The one issue is the rock itself, which has a bond they’ve never seen – created by Mayakovsky.  Also, when Julia notices Eliot’s behavior, she tries to talk to him about the Monster but he denies it.


Julia and Alice go to see Mayakovsky at Brakebills South, but are instead met by his daughter, Natasha.  She used to date Oren and would love to steal from him, but requires one of their Shades as payment.

         Really, we don’t actually get to see Mayakovsky??


Getting ready to enter Oren’s home for the heist, Margo also tries to question Eliot but he insists he’s fine.  He’s starting to see a message everywhere, written in blood, that says “Let Me Out”. 

The group sneaks inside the party and loops the cameras, but are discovered by the Head of Security.  He holds Margo, Penny and Josh for questioning and they go after Natasha (who’s gotten in a van to leave, only to discover it’s actually Kady).  It seems the rock was stolen but was actually just Illusion Magic, so while they’re busy with the chase, Alice, Eliot and Julia sneak back into the room to perform the spell.  They start casting on the rock until the aura turns green but then it suddenly becomes red and they realize Eliot has wandered off (after the voice).   Margo, Penny and Josh still being questioned when the guards are knocked out.  The man watching them turns up, led by Marina – she’s there to stop them because she needs the Convergence to happen to boost her ‘critical mission’.   Eliot is able to sneak in from behind and start casting on the rock, but Marina begins casting against him – when a surge comes, magic explodes in the room and the moon cracks apart.



This episode opens on a news report forecasting the approaching apocalypse – the first chunk of moon debris is scheduled to hit the Earth in 12 hours (10pm).  Margo and Eliot review their code words for a disaster: 

Credenza – no questions asks. 

Inglenook – toss the fools through the Fillory portal;

Chifforobe – flee to Canada;

Armoire – shield up stat; 

Kimono – all hells broken loose.

Trying to brainstorm a plan, Julia suggests creating a massive portal in the atmosphere and Alice works helplessly on the meta-math.  Kady has an idea to try the Reverse Entropy Spell on an amplified level – they could use the next surge and cooperative magic of all the hedge witches.  They try the plan but it fails and debris comes crashing into Earth, killing them.


Yet, Margo and Eliot wake up to the same conversation about the impending disaster and 12 hours to the Convergence – they realize they’re stuck in a time loop and the only ones who remember. Their next plan to avert the crisis is to send Penny to the moon, where it’s easier to create a portal; they cast Vinola’s Oxygen Saver on him and he travels, but comes back in pieces.  They try other plans – moving the Earth, holding the pieces in suspension – 10 loops in all but no success.   Eliot and Margo realize they need to go back further in time to stop Marina.  Penny suggests his acquaintance with a time machine, but upon visiting him, none of his time magic devices are working.  They also consider Jane Chatwin, but the clock portal to Fillory is not working.  Frustrated and growing anxious about the monster voice in his head, Eliot suggests going on a rager to come up with a more creative solution.  The partying repeats several times, with Eliot proceeding to stronger drugs, but the voice continues.

         (Fed up being stuck in the Jean Paul Sartre bulshit) –

         French philosopher and Existentialist – “No Exit”, hell is other people

Margo thinks she finally figured it out.  They need to go to Fisher Beach – Lifeguard station 17. She tries to talk to Eliot who believes the Monster is still inside him – she thinks his problem is that he’s medicating instead of facing his memories and feelings.  She insists he sit this one out and she goes to take care of it.  But it doesn’t work and in the next loop, now she doesn’t remember it either, leaving Eliot alone to deal with the problem. 

He tries to face the Monster but when he doesn’t appear in the mirror, he goes to dinner and talks with Josh.  Josh suggests letting the monster out – face the thing you’re most afraid of.  Eliot asks, you’re not afraid to die? – “I don’t love it, but you’ll figure out a way to fix this.” 

So next loop, Elliot answers the door and Charlton walks out.  He explains that when all the creatures were pulled out of his mind, he held on tight to Eliot’s happy place, leaving him a passenger in Eliot’s subconscious.  But after no sleep for 5 days, he had an opening to contact him – now he’s moved into the consciousness (though still imaginary).  “I often disagree with your choices and I’d like to share my opinions”.  Charlton thinks Margo got thrown out of the loop because she was too close to the answer.  So they follow the lead, going to the beach and locating a cabin with a TV that turns out to be communication with The Whales (who took Margo’s Permanence off because her ‘manner was appalling).  Their magic caused the loop.  They explain that their ancestors made a pact with an old god, and have since spent their lives tracing sigils into the ocean floor; the task is crucial to ensure The Kraken stays dormant.  Should it ever awaken, it would soon consume the world.  The moon colliding with Earth obliterated their protective sigils, but luckily their ancestors built a fail-safe, allowing another chance to avert the catastrophe.

They realize that everytime the Kraken awakens, they jump back 12 hours.  If they could trigger the loop earlier, they could go back to the Marina moment.  So Eliot goes back to plea with the Whales and they finally release the Kraken, transporting him to the moment they are entering the party.  Eliot tells Margo, “Credenza”, slight change of plans.  Inside, Margo now sneaks in the room from behind, punches Marina out, allowing the other 3 to cast the spell on the Moon successfully.


Returning, Eliot admits to Margo he’s been pushing her away.  He does remember the Monster and it the memories are bad.  He’s also realized he’s shit without her but she’s evolved, become more of her true self, while he has remained stuck – he doesn’t want her to take a step back in trying to help him.  She insists they are best together.  The episode ends with Todd banging on the door; eager to tell Julia the pig-dude came to him with to bring a quest – to rescue Fillory.  They saved the wrong world. 


  • So Penny is still teaching and the new Welter’s Coach?
  • Zelda says she’ll take the book to Harriet right away – is she okay?
  • Whose shade (Julia/Alice) was given as payment if either??

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