Klatchers Corner

This page is for you. Klatcher thank you's and klatcher photo board!

CKC Patreon Exclusive Content

Joining our Patreon is easy! If you join you will have instant access to these exclusive episodes plus more added every month! Plus you will get free life points knowing the fact that joining our Patreon Crew will help Cris and Jason to pay for our hosting costs and make even more content for all the klatchers to enjoy!!

A Huge Thank You To Our Klatchers Who Joined Our Patreon!

Seriously… thank you. Cris and I put so much time and effort into creating these free podcasts and you joining our Patreon page helps put some money into our pocket to spend on making the cast grow. (that was def a run on sentence) We hope you enjoy the bonus episode every month and the new movie review podcast just for our Patreon Klatchers!

– This Rounds On Me.

Join Our Patreon Page! Always get 10% off Gear!

On the CKC Patreon page you will get access to exclusive content such as: Community Board, Bonus Content, Outtakes, Movie Review Casts, Live Google Chat, 10% off Gear and more! Plus you really help us to earn a little bit of money to help keep the free podcasts going!

Subscribe To Our Klatcher Crew Newsletter

Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from CKC! We will let you know when we are planning a special podcast, designing new gear for you, or what our next show will be! Be a part of the klatcher crew!

You did it!! Welcome to the crew! :) ONE LAST THING. Please check your email to confirm Subscription and click YES

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