
Jamaal, Cristina, and Jason further discuss the issue we have today with Food Inflation, Quality, and GMO’s but this time we try to find possible ways to fix said issues. If you missed the part 1, go ahead and download or stream Episode 14 first.  We also took a look at Michelle Obama’s   Sweeping Update to Nutrition Labels.  Join the discussion by leaving a comment on our Facebook page or on our website Coffeeklatchcrew.com

Updated Nutrition label Notes:


• estimated serving size will more accurately reflect what your going to eat. Instead a serving size of ice cream being a half cut will now be a cup. actual consumption NOT ideal
• calorie counts on labels more prominent. Reflecting that nutritionists now focus more on calories than fat
• for the first time, labels also would be required to list any sugars that are added by manufacturers
• grouping the nutrients into categories: quick facts:for things ilk fat, carbs, sugars, and proteins avoid too much: saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, sodium and added sugar, and Get enough: vitamin D, potassium, calcium, iron, and fiber. 
“Our guiding principle here is very simple, that you as a parent and a consumer should be able to walk into your local grocery store, pick up an item off the shelf and be able to tell whether it’s good for your family,” 
 part of her Let’s Move initiative to combat child obesity, which is marking its fourth anniversary.
But they are probably several years away. The FDA will take comments on the proposal for 90 days, and a final rule could take another year. Once it’s final, the agency has proposed giving industry two years to comply.


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