Game Of Thrones Channel

Get ready to geek out on Game Of Thrones! We go over the latest Game Of Thrones Episode and give our opinions and explanations of the events. You will learn behind the scenes stories about the cast and crew, alternate story lines, and details you may have missed by watching the HBO series and not reading the books. Come hang out with the Coffee Klatch Crew! Don’t forget to subscribe to our casts to never miss a beat!

What We’re Watching

Jason and Cristina give a brief breakdown, including: critics’ current ratings, a one or two sentence synopsis, the stars, and a short review on what we think of it (spoiler free). We finish it off by giving our Caffeine Rating, an abbreviated version of our usual rating system, which ranks it from a Decaf to a Double Shot Espresso.

The Stand

Weekly Podcast (During Season Airing)
Cristina and Jason give you a full breakdown of The Stand episodes – our opinions and explanations of the events. You will learn behind the scenes stories about the cast and crew, fun facts about the CBS series, and interesting details from the book. Come hang out with the Coffee Klatch Crew! Don’t forget to subscribe to our casts so you never miss a beat!

Westworld Channel

This is our Podcast Channel where we review HBO’s award winning show Westworld! We go over the latest Westworld Episode and give our opinions and explanations of the events. You will learn behind the scenes stories about the cast and crew, alternate story lines, and details you may have missed by just watching the series. Don’t forget to subscribe to us so you don’t miss an episode!

The Magicians

That’s right! We have another great channel fo yo ears! This channel we talk about the Magically beautiful Syfy show THE MAGICIANS! We give you behind the scenes info, dicuss theories, and Cris fills in the blanks that we miss on the show from the original books. Yup she read them… nerd 🙂 PLUS – we have an interview with Penny himself Arjun Gupta. You gotta check that episode out!

Our Main Podcast Channel

Hey Klatchers! The Coffee Klatch Crew channel is our main channel! This means that everything we publish you will be able to hear! By the way it’s free! The Coffee Klatch Crew is a group of friends that never forgot how to have fun. In this podcast we discuss your favorite TV Shows, Movies, and other interesting topics!

Our House of The Dragon Episodes will be released every other week. Next ep around:








Support Our Cast

Cristina and Jason put countless hours into the CKC free podcasts. If you really enjoy what you hear and want to support us, there are three easy ways to do so. THANK YOU FOR BEING A KLATCHER!

CKC Breakbills Alumni Wallpapers

Free CKC Wallpapers

Download Free Homage Wallpapers for your Computer, Tablet, Phone!

Patreon Holiday Throwback Special

In the spirit of the holidays we wanted to bring you one of our favorite Patreon Holiday episodes, Bonus #24. This episode, recorded way back in 2018 we discuss the History Of Christmas, Origins of Traditions, Popular Toys/Gifts over the years and so much more.  If...

GOT – House Of The Dragon: S2 Bonus

In this podcast Cristina and Jason give you a season 2 Bonus episode! Overall Thoughts Critics Reviews Favorite Moments Favorite New Character Death Count Dragon Count Summary Showdown GOT Universe Future   Free CKC wallpaper downloads!...

GOT – House Of The Dragon: S2 Episode 8 (Finale)

In this podcast Cristina and Jason break down the season 2 Finale The Queen Who Ever Was. Free CKC wallpaper downloads! Check out our Patreon page where we give you bonus content and monthly movie reviews!...

GOT – House Of The Dragon: S2 Episode 6 and Episode 7

In this podcast Cristina and Jason break down season 2 episode 6  Smallfolk and episode 7 The Red Sowing. Free CKC wallpaper downloads! Check out our Patreon page where we give you bonus content and monthly movie...

GOT – House Of The Dragon: S2 Episode 4 and Episode 5

In this podcast Cristina and Jason break down season 2 episode 4  The Red Dragon And The Gold and episode 5 Regent. Free CKC wallpaper downloads! Check out our Patreon page where we give you bonus content and monthly...

GOT – House Of The Dragon: S2 Episode 2 and Episode 3

In this podcast Cristina and Jason break down season 2 episode 2  Rhaenyra the Cruel episode 3 The Burning Mill. Free CKC wallpaper downloads! Check out our Patreon page where we give you bonus content and monthly movie...

GOT – House Of The Dragon: S2 Episode 1

In this podcast Cristina and Jason break down the season 2 opener :  “A SON FOR A SON”. Free CKC wallpaper downloads! Check out our Patreon page where we give you bonus content and monthly movie reviews!...

What We’re Watching

Jason and Cristina give a brief breakdown, including: critics’ current ratings, a one or two sentence synopsis, the stars, and a short review on what we think of it (spoiler free). We finish it off by giving our Caffeine Rating, an abbreviated version of our usual rating system, which ranks it from a Decaf to a Double Shot Espresso.

Sherlock Podcast
Sherlock Podcast
The Magicians Podcast
Sherlock Podcast
Sherlock Podcast

We Have A Voicemail

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On the CKC Patreon page you will get access to exclusive content such as: Community Board, Bonus Content, Outtakes, Movie Review Casts, Live Google Chat, 10% off Gear and more! Plus you really help us to earn a little bit of money to help keep the free podcasts coming! Gift A Membership to a friend or loved one!

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You can always join our Patreon Crew to get more content for your money, but if you would just like to help us out with bandwidth costs and send us some beans to show your support we really appreciate it! Klatcher Love!

A Few Of The Hundreds Of Reviews We Have Received!

Note from Jason: Thank you for all of your reviews, emails, and tweets Klatchers! We really appreciate you listening and being a part of the show!

Very entertaining and informative podcast. Each person has a background that allows each of them to speak intelligently about many things. If you love Mr. Robot then you have to listen to this podcas

by Jdtattoo77

CKC Podcast Review

I’ve really gotten a lot from all the hosts. Each and every single one of you has good ideas, theories, and comments.


Twitter @mention

Had to look up the word Klatch lol just me?
These guys deliver wonderfully thought out opinions of the show Game Of Thrones. I love how they involve the audience comments. Love that they’re also book readers. A real coffee shop feel.

Steph (NEPA)

iTunes GOT Review

The Best Podcasters
Tired of listening to unprofessional podcasts who blather, stumble over their words and talk over each other? Well, CKC is the antidote you’ve been looking for. The Hosts are a breath of fresh air in an overcrowded podcast world filled with amateurs. Their poised, thoughtful and articulate reviews are positively soother to listen to. They have quickly become my favorite podcasters, and I know they’ll become yours too.


iTunes Westworld Review

This podcast is a must listen for all Mr. Robot addicts like myself. I enjoy listening to all of the opinions and easter eggs on this podcast almost as much as watching the episodes. I miss so much each episode, from the music in the background to conversations, camera angles and lighting, and Christina, Jason, Ryan and Jamaal do a fantastic job of researching and breaking down everything that happens scene by scene as well as offering their different perspectives on the hidden meaning of these things and what could happen next. I wouldn’t appreciate the show Mr. Robot nearly as much if I didn’t have this podcast.

by Phillienuts

Mr. Robot Podcast Review

From the intro, I knew I’d love this one!
It truly feels like I’m sitting down with friends for some coffee and just talking and listening to people who truly have a passion for what they do! Not just for Game Of Thrones but for podcasting in general. They really go in depth on things and really break things down, no stone goes unturned and I love that. I feel this one is the most interactive with its fans as well. I’ve gotta get into Mr. Robot now just to continue to listen to these two. Give them a try and you won’t regret it!

Beto / Jose

iTunes GOT Review

I was confused and bored with WestWorld after S2 E4 and almost gave up watching. I found your podcast, went back and rewatched all and followed up with listening to the Podcast. What a difference! I love you guys. Now all caught up and excited to follow along with the rest of the Klatchers.

Rick C

Email Westworld

Hey guys. I listen to a lot of GOT podcasts and you guys are great. Caught your season review as my first listen with you guys and well done. Great insight and digging deeper into the book lore. As a non book reader I enjoy this insight. I will be back listening moving forward.

by Philly Bauer

Game Of Thrones Podcast Review

I appreciate what you guys do. It’s my favorite podcast of the week. I feel like we’re all friends.


Twitter @mention

Re-watched Eps. 3 and 4 last night in anticipation of THE BEST pod available. Downloading in 5…4…3…2…


Twitter @mention

CKC has the best Westworld podcast available
CKC may not be the first to post a WW ep review each week but they are by far the best! The extensive research they do for each episode is incredible. The Reverie ratings, MVB, speculation, and clarification are all great. Give them a listen and see for yourself.  and by the way their GOT reviews are just as good.


iTunes Westworld Review

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